Business Strategy
Enterprise risk Management

Aligning to the COSO framework, whose purpose is to help entities identify risks, manage those risks and support the achievement of objectives.
We use the best possible framework for optimising strategy and performance. That’s where enterprise risk management comes into play.
An effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) strategy leads to the robust management and mitigation of risks. It reduces output variability in production and improves resource deployment and the chances of seizing business opportunities.
We can advise you in your decision-making process regarding governance, strategy, objective-setting, and day-to-day operations. We can also conduct interactive workshops on managing risk, perform compliance and internal audits, and provide you with comprehensive risk registers and heat maps.
As part of our deliverables, we provide you with comprehensive risk registers, heat maps and relevant action plans to help you determine an effective risk management strategy.
We deliver training sessions designed to discover, review, and discuss the impact of regulations, compliance, and internal audit (IA) requirements in line with your business context.
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